Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Saving data in the cloud is a good option

The new trend invites to store information online, to access it anytime, anywhere.

The storage in the cloud computing is a growing trend in computing that every day is taking a leading role in the life of all people.

But, what is it about? The information is no longer in the memory or hard disk of our computer or device. All these data are now stored in a series of servers on the Internet, which form a cloud of information at the service of the user. In this way, you can access that information from any place and time. Simply have a device (not exclusively a computer) connected to the Internet.

"Thanks to the cloud, collaborating and sharing with family and friends becomes a simple task. You decide what to share and with whom. Also, in the cloud you can not lose my information, as was the case when USB memories were used, "Ricardo Blanco, Google's Product Communication Manager in Latin America, told El Comercio.

Experts talk about the advantages of working in the cloud


"The cloud allows access to information in real time. This facilitates mobile and remote work, especially for accessing documents, "says Juan Carlos Luján, professor of New Media and New Trends at the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC).

It emphasizes that, in addition, it is a safer and cheaper alternative. "In the case of companies and government, they can have their information decentralized, transparent, secure and mobile. In Peru many companies have opted for this model to mitigate operational risks and reduce service costs, "he stresses.

Services to store photos (such as Flickr), public emails (such as Hotmail) and social networks (such as Facebook) work in the cloud. That is, you already have a lot of information in the cloud.

And if all these advantages give us the free service of the cloud, why choose a payment service? "It's an interesting alternative for those who use very heavy files. You do not have to be running to the store to buy an external disk. It is also much safer, "says Blanco.

Luján recalls that there are other companies, such as IBM Peru and Level 3, that provide this service for companies.

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