Sunday, 8 April 2018

VMware accelerates and facilitates multicloud adoption

VMware has announced the expansion of its cloud services portfolio to help customers better manage the complexity and risk of multicloud environments and, at the same time, extend consistent IT operations from the data center to the cloud.

As companies increase the use of cloud computing and use multicloud providers, they naturally experience greater complexity and a greater number of risks linked to the diversity of infrastructures, processes and management tools. At VMware, it is estimated that about two-thirds of the market will employ two or more cloud service providers in addition to their data centers at customer sites (source: VMware study of the cloud market, January 2018).

VMware cloud services are specially designed to offer the flexibility that customers require to take advantage of any cloud environment and provide consistent operations for cloud management and security. VMware's growing portfolio of cloud services offers visibility, operability, automation, security and management in any cloud.

VMware's expanded multicloud portfolio of cloud services gives companies the freedom to use the cloud environment that best suits their needs

"The need to support a complex set of applications, both new and existing, is what drives the adoption of the cloud, and the needs of the applications are what drives the decisions related to the cloud," explains Raghu Raghuram, director of the cloud. operations of VMware cloud products and services. "VMware Cloud offers customers unprecedented flexibility to develop all kinds of applications, deploy those applications in any cloud and send them to any device, leveraging a consistent infrastructure between clouds and a set of consistent operations in any cloud."