Wednesday 14 March 2018

Windows Azure-Oracle an alliance for corporate clients

Microsoft makes the cloud computing services platform available to Oracle customers. Non-traditional industries such as entertainment are leaders in using this type of services in Latin America.

Since the beginning of March, any company can use and pay for Oracle services through Windows Azure, the platform for cloud computing services. This, thanks to a strategic alliance between these two corporations.

In November 2013, the announcement was made: Microsoft was going to place Oracle Database and Oracle WebLogic Server in Windows Azure as an option to customers; Oracle was going to support its customers using Microsoft virtualization and any company could buy Oracle solutions through Windows Azure. After a beta phase, this alliance was already implemented at the beginning of March.

"We make this type of alliances because we know that our clients have different environments, not everything is Microsoft, and they can have a database in Oracle, but now we can support them." It is the largest alliance we have had in history (...) It is a win-win thinking of customers, "says Sergio Victorio, Server & Tools Business Group Lead at Microsoft.

With this partnership, technology partners hope to increase customer interest in the use of the cloud by 50 to 60%. "The turnover will also increase, after a few months and years, the level of income has to rise for the two corporations," says Victorio.

AdvantagesWith Windows Azure, companies of any type gain flexibility in the use of the cloud and reduce costs.

"With Azure, which are platform and infrastructure services, I pay for what I use, it's like electricity, if I know I'm going to have a spike, I pay that peak and then I do not pay anymore, I can turn it off or I can use it for another In the case of Azure, the cost is determined by you, "explains the Microsoft executive.

Corporate clientsSergio Victorio argues that, unlike other emerging technologies, cloud computing does cover any type of company and any type of solution. However, in the region, the entertainment industries such as the video game industry.

Likewise, clients such as government entities (the SAT in Mexico), mass consumption retail companies and even universities at the time of enrollment have ventured into the use of the cloud.

Trends in Latin America According to Victorio, in this type of cloud computing services, the use is small and the growth will be from 1000% to 2000%.

"At the Latin American level, IDC sees that interest and use of the cloud has been growing, with 3% of CEOs saying they wanted to use the cloud in 2003, it was 50% in 2010. Half of the CEOs in Latin America are using or They will use the cloud in the next twelve months, by 2020, half of the IT budget will be in the cloud, "says Victorio.

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