Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Offer in cloud computing already exceeds a dozen brands

Investments in this technology will exceed US $ 25 million during 2017. The challenge is to get the most out of it.

The offer of services and corporate products that operate in the cloud ('cloud computing') has been diversifying in recent years, and today there are more than a dozen brands that offer them to the local market.

Fernando Grados, director of Dominio Consultores, reported that 44.8% of medium and large local companies -which invoice more than US $ 10 million- already use these services, and this year they have invested more than US $ 20 million. For 2017, he added, the investment will be increased by 30%, which means that the US $ 25 million billed will be exceeded.

If the US $ 25 million that goes to 'hosting' is added to the cloud services (using a server from a third party to store corporate information), it could be said that between both outsourced services companies have invested US $ 50 million.

In relation to the market share of cloud computing, Grados said that in its measurements of the sector, Microsoft has greater brand recall (20.7%), followed by Amazon (17.4%), Google (12 , 4%), Telefónica (7.8%) and IBM (7%).

In its market measurements it also found that there is a 34.2% who do not know who are the providers of 'cloud computing' in the country and more than 10% do not understand the classifications of the types of services 'cloud' that are offered.

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