Tuesday 13 March 2018

40% of companies use technology in the cloud

Diego Pantoja, CEO of LogFire, affirms that these new technologies can also be applied to the logistics and supply chain of retailers and retailers.

According to Diego Pantoja Navajas, CEO and visionary of logistics and supply chain LogFire, approximately 40% of companies in Peru, between large and medium, work with technology in the cloud.

The expert argues that, in our country, more and more companies are following the trend of large stores such as Apple and Amazon to have more efficient supply chains and improve their competitiveness in the market.

And is that thanks to the use of technologies in the cloud, the response capacity of companies moves at the speed of the demand of their customers. Not acting at that pace could mean, in the near future, being relegated from the market.

Currently, the Internet and mobile technology also play a very important role in the supply chain.

"The expectations of consumers are growing, so supply chains need to move at the speed of the Internet to operate better through all its channels," says Pantoja Navas.

LogFire, in English Logistics on Fire, proposes a solution model (WMS Distribution Management Systems) ideal for large and small companies or retail industries, mass consumption, product manufacturers, distributors and suppliers.

With this technology, companies such as Supermercados Peruanos and Inkafarma have managed to double the operational capacity of their distribution centers.

In addition, it breaks traditional schemes of solutions for the supply chain because it considerably reduces the initial investment and maintenance costs of the system.

The dataDiego Pantoja will offer the conference "Omni-channel Strategy: The digital management of inventories as a competitive advantage" next Thursday May 28 at the JW Marriott Hotel.

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