Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Small businesses can also take advantage of services in the cloud

An executive of the corporation indicated that if he started his own business he would not hesitate to hire services in the cloud, because it provides better management and has a more friendly interface for the small business owner.

Everything is in the cloud, millions of data surfing the Internet are no small thing, since they need a seatbelt: the cloud service or 'cloud computing' represents a great opportunity for progress for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) , said Christian Klezl, vice president, Sales of cloud solutions at IBM Corporation.

Those entrepreneurs who watch over their businesses are also concerned about the security of their database, because now it is not only a luxury of large companies, but also of small and medium-sized companies.

"An area that most customers and analysts are concerned with is the security of the 'cloud' (or the cloud), however, many customers comment that 'the cloud' allows a level of security, than another environment of information technologies. it does not allow it, "Klezl said.

[Use of solutions 'in the cloud' would grow up to 70% in the next three years]

Precisely, he pointed to this area that has facilitated the handling of information in companies must go hand in hand with a good solution provider, since it must offer better levels of security than those that were previously registered within an organization.

Meanwhile, the expert said that "the cloud" leaves the door open to attacks, but also offers great opportunities to defend ourselves, especially for small and medium enterprises.

"The phenomena that attack vulnerability like cybercrime are not new, they have always existed outside in the last 40 years, while information technologies and computer crime existed," he added.

Despite this scenario, Klezl indicated that if he started his own business he would do it with services in the cloud, because they provide greater responsibility in management, and it would be less difficult for an SME to manage it.

"In the past, when you started a new business you had to invest outside, or have a business case, cross your fingers, and expect your income to return," he added.

According to Klezl, security in the cloud is guaranteed, as long as it takes place under a responsible scenario with the trained staff, but it highlighted an important aspect: creativity.

The cloud is a useful platform for application developers, because it allows them to compete in the market for the greatest range of creativity, Klezl said. In this way, he ruled that SMEs have a large audience of potential suppliers of creativity, so it will not be difficult to capture their attention.

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